2. I like small cars because of the way it shakes when other cars speed by.
3. The stream of water in showers tickles my butt.
4. I still like Dashboard Confessional.
5. Most of my life is spent trying to decide if I want to be an introvert or extrovert.
6. I have watched countless films across my [short] life, yet I still don't think I truly understand what makes a good film. I think I've started to just this year.
7. I don't think Heath Ledger was taking his prescribed doses.
8. I greatly miss and think about those that I spent Sunday mornings with, but I fear they don't share my nostalgic notions.
9. I have the best girlfriend in the world.
10. I had a fear for a long time that I would record people that I would be envious of, wishing that I was on the other side of the console. That fear has since changed to me hoping I am good at my job, to help fuel the artists on the other side.
11. I believe in the face of the man on the moon.
12. I never thought I would use three prepositional phrases directly in a row. [See above.]
13. I fear being over-the-top in public, because I think people will suppose I'm gay.
14. I stopped doing homework in 6th grade because I realized I would still pass.
15. In high school, I was upset I didn't have a collection of anything, but I didn't want to collect things that people normally collect. So, I started collecting hotel key cards. I had about 4 of them (I don't stay in hotels often) when my Dad caught word. I now have over 60, from all over the United States.
16. I believe the wealth of information available to me on the internet has left me unsure as to what I should believe in in life.
17. I know more about Secondhand Serenade than most people on the planet. Go ahead, do your research. I still know more.
18. I have a massive memory for the random and insignificant things in life. This seems to surprise people when it comes out, except for my girlfriend, who I think knows even more than I.
19. Facebook became something very strange to me once I moved, as it showed me that friends from all the different little cliques I was in started to become friends with one another. At the same time that the world became a bigger place to me, the world looked a lot smaller back home.
20. My sophomore year of High School, I gave a controversial speech about the harms of pornography...sometimes I wish I could put that speech to use.
21. I struggle with consistency...a lot.
22. Small animals are easier to understand than small children, and that weirds me out.
23. I got really hyped up when I saw the website for Blueprint Studios in Manchester, UK, thinking I would go off and become a staff member there. That idea has slowly diminished. It remains the coolest studio I've ever seen though.
24. One of my dreams is for the chance to sit down with Andy Hull and to hear him speak about his life. I believe that will never happen, and I'm okay with that.
25. I took longer to complete this than anyone you know. I started writing this on Monday.